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The Art of Hosting an Unforgettable Tea Party: A Step-by-Step Guide

afternoon tea set

Greetings, dear tea lovers!


The charm of an afternoon tea party lies in its ability to blend tradition with relaxation. It's a time to gather, to connect, and to savor the delightful flavors of tea. Whether you're planning to celebrate Afternoon Tea Week or just fancy a cozy gathering with friends, here's your guide to hosting an unforgettable tea party.


teacups for tea party


Step 1: Select a Theme


A theme isn't mandatory, but it adds a touch of fun and flair to your tea party. The theme can be as simple as 'Summer Florals' or as exotic as 'Oriental Tea Ceremony'. Themes can guide your decoration, food choices, and even the tea selection.


Step 2: Set the Table


Lay a beautiful tablecloth, and bring out your best tea set. If you don’t have a matching set, don’t worry! Mixing and matching can add a unique charm. Arrange your teacups, saucers, plates, and silverware. In the center, place a teapot or two, depending on the number of different teas you're planning to serve.


Step 3: Choose Your Teas


Offer a selection of teas to cater to different tastes. This could include a classic black tea, a calming herbal blend, and a refreshing green tea. Our range at So Wealth-Tea offers a variety of blends crafted for the mind, body, and spirit.


afternoon tea party foods


Step 4: Plan Your Menu


Traditionally, tea parties feature finger foods and small pastries that pair well with tea. Sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and jam, macarons, and small cakes are classic choices. However, feel free to be creative and include what you and your guests love.


Step 5: Prepare the Tea


Tea preparation is an art. Be mindful of the water temperature and steeping times as these can greatly affect the taste of the tea. Usually, black teas require boiling water and a steep time of 3-5 minutes, while green teas need slightly cooler water and only 2-3 minutes of steeping.


afternoon tea party with friends


Step 6: Enjoy the Gathering


Remember, the main point of a tea party is to relax and enjoy each other's company. So, once your guests arrive, pour the tea, serve the snacks, and enjoy the delightful conversation.


Step 7: Tea Party Favors


As a gracious host, sending your guests home with a small favor is a wonderful way to end your tea party. This could be a small bag of their favorite So Wealth-Tea blend, a cute tea strainer, or a delicate teacup.


A well-planned tea party is a memory-making event that celebrates the beauty of slowing down and enjoying life's simple pleasures. So, choose your theme, set your table, steep your tea, and toast to the joy of good company and great tea.




Ready to host your own unforgettable tea party? Shop our range of teas here and let the magic of tea time enrich your days.


Remember, at So Wealth-Tea, we believe that every cup of tea is a journey. It's time to start yours.